Monday, December 26, 2005

Tarjeta de Navidad

La peor tarjeta de Navidad que he visto en mi vida.

Tiene sonido y no conviene abrirlo en la oficina.

Siesta Relajante

El nuevo invento para dormir una siesta relajante y sin molestias ni ruido.

No sé a quién se le puede ocurrir que estas cosas se van a vender.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Today I came across this quote from Freud that I really liked. It's in response to Plato's "Noble Lie" (Are certain, unprovable "myths" taught by wise leaders needed to give most people meaning and purpose and to ensure a stable society?):

Thus I must contradict you when you go on to argue that men are completely unable to do without the consolation of the religious illusion, that without it they could not bear the troubles of life and the cruelties of reality. That is true, certainly, of the men into whom you have instilled the sweet—or bitter-sweet—poison from childhood onwards. But what of the other men, who have been sensibly brought up? Perhaps those who do not suffer from the neurosis will need no intoxication to deaden it. They will, it is true, find themselves in a difficult situation. They will have to admit to themselves the full extent of their helplessness and their insignificance in the machinery of the universe; they can no longer be the center of creation, no longer the object of tender care on the part of a benificent Providence. They will be in the same position as a child who has left the parental house where he was so warm and comfortable. But surely infantilism is destined to be surmounted.
[Freud, The Future of an Illusion, tr. James Strachey]